Escape from Magic Read online

Page 7

  He glanced down at my hand in his. “I’m alive, thanks to you.”

  I bit my lip. He remembered. “I’m sure the paramedics had something to do with it.”

  “Clara, you saved my life. I have no idea how you did it, but I was ripped apart—”

  I gripped his hand. “Shhh, no one can know.” I pulled him closer and held his gaze. “This is life and death. For you and me.”

  His brow furrowed but he nodded. “Can you at least tell me how?”

  I leaned up to give him a hug and spoke into his ear. “I’m a witch. But we have laws. They’ll kill us both if you tell anyone.” I released him but held on to his hand. Gathering my nerve, I looked up into his confused face. “I can’t see you anymore.”

  “Is that why you have a fiancé?”

  I nodded, but inside, every cell in me screamed to tell him it didn’t matter. I’d love only him. Forever.

  His jaw worked like he was chewing something bitter. Warring emotions shown in his eyes and he cleared his throat. “This is goodbye then? Except if I see you at school?” He swallowed then shook his head. “Am I supposed to act like I don’t love you? Like I never knew you?”

  My voice came out a choked whisper. “It’s probably best if we keep our distance.”

  “Right.” He looked away and nodded before he released my hand and climbed to his feet. “Well, goodbye then, Clara Stark.”

  Moisture clouded my eyes. My hand lay on the bed where he’d dropped it. “Goodbye Sam.”

  The parade of visitors continued after Sam left. Nora hugged the breath out of me, and my dad scolded me with no conviction before tears spilled from his eyes. Maddie jumped on my bed, amped up on being awake in the wee hours of the morning, until Abby and her husband took the three-year-old home to get some rest.

  I did my best to put on a cheerful face but behind the mask I was dying, suffocating under the weight of never being with Sam. I knew it would be hard. But this was absolute torture. Actually, being stabbed to death or thrown into a tank of hungry piranhas would have been better. Then the pain would have an end instead of the vast emptiness sitting in my chest.

  Just when I couldn’t take anymore fake laughs or talk Levi walked through the door.

  “Hey, you up for one more visitor?” he asked, looking all tan, suave, and put together even at this hour.

  I forced a smile to my lips. “How could I not be when you saved me?”

  He closed the door to be sure no one heard. “What’s a little energy between friends?”

  I pressed the button to raise my head, realizing I still had on stage makeup and hair from the play. One hand over the former curls confirmed my suspicion, a matted mess. So much for making a good impression.

  Not that I cared at this point. Or ever actually. Maybe before I met Sam, but now, no. At the thought of Sam, my insides sucked into a black hole to be pulverized to dust. I forced a breath into my tight lungs. This was the only way. I had to let him go, for his own good.

  Time to be good girl Sandy again.

  “Can I ask you something?” Levi leaned against the wall.


  “Why did you drain yourself so much? I mean, if I hadn’t gotten to you, you’d have died.”

  “It was Sam or me. No way was I letting him die when this was all my fault.”

  Levi nodded as if something settled in his mind.

  “Now, can I ask you something?”

  He nodded.

  “How did you find me at the accident? They hadn’t even called my parents.”

  He crossed his arms and didn’t meet my gaze. “So, this might sound way creepy, but I promise it isn’t.”

  I leveled a stare and waited.

  “I was worried Sam might react badly to you breaking up with him.” He put his hands out palms up. “I mean, he was obviously upset at the school.”

  “And,” I said.

  “I put a spell on you to let me know if you were distressed or in danger.”

  “Sam would never hurt me,” I exclaimed.

  Levi nodded. “Yeah, I know now but I was trying to look out for you.”

  “So, when we crashed you knew.”

  “Pretty much. Sorry I couldn’t get there sooner.”

  I shook my head. “You got there in time to save me. Thank you.”

  He brushed it off. “No big deal.”

  With a glance over his shoulder, Levi pulled the lone chair in the room next to my bed and held my gaze then looked out the window of the door. I followed his gaze. His mother stood outside the hospital room, her cell phone up to her ear but her eyes on us.

  He took my hand in both of his and leaned in close, like a boyfriend would. Or a fiancé. Swallowing, I allowed Levi to rub his fingers over my arm.

  “My mom is calling the council.”

  He might as well have thrown boiling water over me. His words sent rivulets of fear along my nerves. “What?

  His hand tightened over mine, holding me still. “Smile and stop looking like I’m threatening to kill you.”

  “Sorry.” I laid my head against the pillow and tried for a relaxed pose. The last thing we needed was the council around my family. Around Maddie. “Why is she calling the council?”

  “She’s all pissed and wants an investigation.” He raised my hand to his lips and brushed a kiss over my fingers. “Now act like I told you a joke.”

  Good thing I was an actress. I held my ribs, not having to fake the pain. “Why are you telling me? Helping me?”

  “Because you’re a good person.” He held my gaze in his ocean blue eyes. Most girls would be begging to marry this guy. “And I think the council rules are shitty. Your family shouldn’t come under suspicion just because you hurt my mom’s pride and her cousin is on the council.”

  My eyes widened. Shit. “You don’t care I had a boyfriend?”

  He leaned back and laughed for real this time. “How could you not?” He waved to up and down my torso. “You’re gorgeous. And talented. And sweet.”

  I bit my lip.

  “I haven’t exactly been a monk, to tell you the truth.” He leaned toward me again. “I wanted to tell you so you could be ready.”

  Thoughts blazed through my head. The council wouldn’t just investigate me and my parents. They’d grill Abby. They’d find out about Maddie. We needed time to get her somewhat under control or they’d know for sure she was a Defect.

  My gaze held Levi’s as my heart, gut, and mind battled to decide if I could trust him. Finally, my gut won. “I can’t have the council investigating my family.”

  He blinked, his gaze darting to his mom, still on the phone, then back to me. “Can you tell me why?”

  I shook my head. “I trust you Levi. But it isn’t my secret to tell.”

  He stroked my arm again to keep our cover going.

  I watched the gears churning in his mind while my own raced over how to fix this mess I’d gotten my family into. Only one possibility came to mind. Run.

  “I can’t stop her, Clara.” Levi shook his head and looked like he wanted to punch something. “She never listens to me. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known we’d get into an accident.”

  “I need to fix this. I’ll cause a scene, use magic in front of the doctors.”

  I gripped his hand. “A scene would only bring more attention from the council.”

  “Then what are we going to do?”

  A plan settled in my mind. “I have an idea, but I want you to be able to pass a truth spell.”

  He frowned. “I don’t think I’m going to like this.”

  “I need you to heal me. Then stay as far away as possible.”

  “Clara, what are you planning?”

  “I’m going to clean up the mess I made without anyone I care about getting hurt.”

  Chapter 11

  Levi got his parents out of the hospital. One problem down. I bespelled the machines to mimic a live person being attached
. Hopefully they wouldn’t find out I was gone for several hours. Problem two solved. Biting my lip, I glanced at the folded sheet of paper I’d left on the table labeled Mom and Dad. The note only contained three simple words—It was necessary—but my parents would know.

  I waited until the desk nurse got called away on a code then threw back the covers. Nora had left my favorite jeans and hoodie for when I was supposed to be discharged the next afternoon. Having done my best to wash my hair and face in the sink, I at least didn’t look like I’d recently escaped a circus. Already dressed, I slipped into the hallway, pretty deserted at two in the morning, and strode out the door.

  Outside the hospital I took out my cell phone and scrolled through the contacts. Nora would be furious, but she wasn’t the contact I dialed. The less she knew the safer for her.

  Sam picked up on the first ring. “Clara? Are you okay?”

  His voice was like water to a starving plant. “Sam, I just wanted to tell you I love you.”

  “I love you too. Has something changed with your…fiancé?” He stumbled over the last word.

  I rushed through the hospital parking lot, not quite a run but close. “Not really. I just wanted to you to know I’ll always love you and meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  “Clara, what are you doing?”

  “I have to leave, Sam. The council is coming to investigate.” I sighed, longing to see him one more time. “Don’t attract any attention to yourself. They can’t find out you know.”

  “You’re running away?” he demanded.

  I spotted a vehicle with rental car plates and stopped in front of a new 2004 Ford Escape—how appropriate. Levi insisted on riding home with his parents, claiming exhaustion from the amount of energy he’d given me.

  “I don’t have a choice.” I opened the unlocked car door and flipped down the visor, a key fell into my lap. Just like Levi promised. Leaning back to catch my breath, I blinked away tears. No time for crying now.

  “I’m coming with you,” Sam said.

  I heard drawers closing in the background.

  Every fiber of my being danced a happy dance, wanting so much to say yes. “No. Absolutely not.”

  Sam’s voice grew calm and quiet. “I’m coming or my next call is to your parents.”

  I bit back the swear words begging to jump off my tongue. “Sam, I—”

  “No,” he cut me off. “I don’t care about danger or your stupid council. I’m coming with you or I’m calling your parents.”

  “You’re sure about this?”

  “I love you. I don’t want a world without you,” he said. “What more is there to think about?”

  I had to admit, part of me swooned inside.

  He was pretty easy to spot on the side of the road—dark figure leaning on crutches. I reached across to open the passenger door. “Leave the crutches in that bush.” I pointed to an overgrown juniper bordering the sidewalk. “You won’t be needing them.”

  He raised his eyebrows but threw the crutches. The bush swallowed them whole. Tottering on one leg, he climbed into the car and threw his bag in the back seat. He turned and pulled me to his chest. “I wasn’t sure you’d come.”

  “Well, I know how determined you are—” I got out before his lips crushed mine. Electric pulses radiated down my entire body. I’d so nearly lost him, twice. “I’m never letting you go again.”

  “Promise?” he asked, meeting my gaze.

  “Promise.” I put a hand on his still damaged leg. “Before we go, I need to take care of this.” My energy recharged by Levi, I sent power to Sam’s damaged cells. Light from my palm lit the car in a peaceful glow.

  He gasped. “That feels so weird.”

  “Am I hurting you?”

  “No, it’s a crazy tingling though.”

  The light dimmed as I finished. “There, now you’re back to dancing shape.”

  He shook his head, his eyes wide. “Crazy. You’re amazing.”

  I started the car and pulled out onto the deserted street. “Let’s see if I’m amazing enough to keep us away from the council.”

  “What are our chances?”

  “Thirty-three percent from what I hear.” I thought of the three couples Nora had mentioned. One got away. I glanced over at Sam and love flooded every cell in my body. This has to work. I loved him too much for it not to work. We were meant to be together. The thought helped push away the sadness from never being able to see my family again. Never even saying goodbye.

  “We have to be smarter than them,” Sam said and took out a map. “Correct me if I’m wrong but from what Levi’s parents looked like, witches tend to prefer warm climates?”

  I thought for a second. “Not all, but I’d say going to Hollywood is out. Same with most big cities. Most witches go for power.”

  “Then I’ve got the perfect spot.” Sam beamed.

  “Really?” I raised my eyebrows. “Are you going to tell me, or do I have to dig around in your mind?”

  His mouth dropped open. “You can do that?”

  Sam looked so shocked. Laughter spilled out of me to the point I probably looked like a crazed clown. I got control of myself and cleared my throat. “Yeah, but I promise never to read your thoughts.”

  “Well.” Sam recovered and leaned over to whisper in my ear. “You can if you want. But they’re all about you and you’re not fully clothed in all of them.”

  This time my mouth was the one to drop open.

  We took I-25 north toward Wyoming. I figured we could get to the border before the nurses realized I was gone and called my parents. Much as I hated to do it, we threw our phones in a trash can on the side of the street to give the council a trash truck to chase.

  I stretched to release the tight muscles in my shoulders.

  “You want me to drive?” Sam asked.

  “Yeah, we need to fill up with gas anyway.” I pulled off at the next exit. “Grab all your stuff. We need to change cars.”


  “Trust me.” I hopped out of the Escape. Using my magic in front of him was more thrilling than any carnival ride. I walked up to a middle-aged man, traveling alone by the looks of it. The plates on his car were the familiar green and white mountain-scape of Colorado. He’d just finished paying for gas to fill his car.

  I ran a hand through my unbrushed hair. “Excuse me sir.”

  The man turned to me, brows together.

  I held out my keys and forced my spell into his mind. “Here are the keys to your car. It’s right over there.” I waved to the Escape. “You never saw or spoke to me.”

  A glazed look fell over his face then he blinked and took the keys. “Sure, thanks. Here’re yours.” He handed me the keys to his sedan and walked away. The entire exchange took less than ten seconds.

  I waved Sam over and climbed in the passenger seat.

  “How the hell is that possible?” Sam asked and started the car.

  “Magic.” I laughed.

  “You’re going to have to tell me more. I mean, can you fly and go to the moon or anything?” He pulled out of the gas station and got back on the northbound highway.

  I rolled my eyes. “Maybe before they lost the power of the earth, but that’s a whole different story.” Scooching over, I leaned my head against his shoulder and reveled in the feel. “No, we’re limited to the power in our own bodies. Plus, I need to keep the spells tiny, so the council doesn’t notice.”

  His muscles tensed at the mention of the council. “I won’t let them take you, Clara.”

  My throat tightened at the thought of Sam up against council goons.

  “I won’t let them find us.”

  We stopped every couple of hours, to trade cars, sometimes trading with multiple people in the same gas station or parking lot to cover our trail. About the fifth time I played musical cars we ended up with a Jeep. As I went to hop in the driver’s seat a woman’s face caught my eye. She stood inside a nail salon in the strip mall. And she
was staring right at me.

  My blood turned to sludge, unable to carry oxygen to my brain. She’d seen me. She knew.

  Witches felt the energy shift when a spell was being done, even a tiny one like the musical cars. If the woman was a witch, she’d know I’d used magic. But I had no way of knowing for sure.

  Our gazes locked for a few seconds that felt like years. I broke myself out of my frozen state and jammed the Jeep into reverse, pealing out of the parking lot.

  I ran over what little I knew about the council and their resources in my mind, wishing I’d asked Nora how the couple who made it escaped. Running away hadn’t really been a possibility so all of my planning was happening on the fly.

  “Clara, what’s wrong?”

  I shook my head, unable to speak my fears. Pieces clicked into place in my brain. How could I have been so stupid? Each time I used magic, I was sending up a tiny flair to let the council know where we were.

  My parents would buy me as much time as they could after reading my note but soon Mrs. Lamb was bound to find out I was missing. Although Levi promised not to realize his rental car was gone from the parking lot for as long as possible, I had no way of knowing if the council was already searching for us. Every time I used my magic our chances of escape went down.

  I white-knuckled the steering wheel. “I’ve been such an idiot.”

  “What are you talking about? What happened?” Sam reached a hand over to cover mine on the wheel.

  “If we want any chance, I can’t use my magic. Not at all. Not even for little things.”

  “Okay, so you don’t use your magic. Where we’re going you shouldn’t need it.”

  “Are you going to share where we’re going?” I glanced over at him.

  “How do you feel about camping?”

  I arched a brow. “Um, we stayed at a resort in the mountains a few times and skied.”

  “Well,” Sam’s face squished up. “That’s not the type of camping I’m talking about.”

  Our conversation about his summers with his dad came to mind, and I bit the inside of my lip. Hopefully he wasn’t talking about sleeping in a pile of leaves instead of a sleeping bag.