Escape from Magic Page 3
She lowered her voice, so it didn’t echo down the hallway. We stood outside the commons, or open area where students could gather on their off hours. “I don’t care about practice.”
I glanced through the slim pane of glass on the doorway. Katie sat, laughing with her group of friends. Nora’s quick perusal of Katie’s superficial thoughts confirmed she’d stolen my role as Dorothy—and now she was determined to steal this one.
“What are we going to do?”
“I have an idea,” Nora said. “Get her out here and make sure no one interrupts us. It’s time she gave Daddy a call.”
I ran my tongue over my teeth, thinking. “I’m good with the plan but I’m going to do the spell.”
“You’re sure?”
I nodded. “Definitely.”
This wasn’t like changing my hair color. This spell took delicate control and a ton of concentration—at least that was what I’d heard. I’d never actually performed a spell this deep in anyone’s mind.
One text to Katie’s phone was all it took to get her out in the hallway. Nora guarded the door while I stepped in front of Katie.
“What do you want?” she demanded. “Don’t bother begging. It won’t work.”
“Oh, trust me. The last thing I have on my mind is begging,” I said and narrowed my eyes.
I sent my magic out in tendrils, each wound around Katie’s neurological pathways and took over until a blank stare covered Katie’s face. A blue halo of light floated around her head. I let out a stale breath and focused.
Messing with people’s brains wasn’t always the best idea. It was more of an art than a science. The deeper you went, the larger the possibility of damage. Something our witch council didn’t care much about. But to do what I needed I couldn’t stay superficial. This held real risk to Katie’s memory and function.
Nora sent me a thumbs up. Like an animated barbie doll, Katie raised her phone and punched in her dad’s number.
He picked up on the second ring. “Honey, I haven’t had time to call your teacher yet, but I promise I will.”
“It’s okay, Daddy,” Katie’s voice sounded natural but the effect of it coming out of her slack features was creepy. The blue light grew brighter as I forced her to do my bidding. “I’ve changed my mind. You don’t need to call Mr. Goldblum.”
Sweat beaded on my brow as I held the spell steady, trying not to cross any of Katie’s wires.
“What? But you wanted the leading role,” her dad said.
“I thought about it and the guy they cast for Danny is so gross. I don’t want to be Sandy.”
“Do you want me to have him changed out as well?”
“No, Daddy. I think the part of Rizzo is going to be fun.” Katie said what my brain instructed. “Besides, it’s my senior year, and I don’t need the stress of being a leading lady.”
“Okay, if you’re sure I’ll leave it alone. See you tonight, honey.” Her dad hung up.
I put the words into Katie’s memory and feeling behind them so she wouldn’t change her mind. Trying not to disrupt any neurological connections, I extracted one tendril at a time. If I rushed and broke connections, well, better not to think about that. Although, it would serve her right if I a fried neuron or twenty. The spell left her brain and the blue light faded.
Just as I finished something clattered down the hallway. Nora and I both jumped and spun toward the seemingly empty corridor.
“Let me check it out while you get her moving again.” Nora motioned to the mannequin-like Katie then headed down the hallway to investigate.
I nodded as my heart catapulted to my nasal cavity. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. This could be bad. If an ungifted saw us it meant the witch council would get involved. If the council came it could be our brains being messed with. And the council wouldn’t be gentle.
Chapter 4
Nora didn’t find anyone down the hallway, just a spilled can of Mountain Dew next to a trashcan. Even after her assurances no one saw me perform magic I was jumpy and nervous.
“I should tell Abby,” I insisted as we pulled into my driveway after school.
Nora sighed. “If it would make you feel better, then go ahead. I myself would avoid the lecture.”
I hopped out of the Jeep and leaned against the closed door with the window down. “She’ll be cool. Trust me.” Plus, she needs to know if I attract any attention to our family so she can keep Maddie safe. Not even Nora knew about Maddie’s problem. No one could find out.
“Call me later,” Nora said then pulled out of the driveway.
I turned to face the house. Abby would be here soon to get Maddie. I went inside to warn my mom.
Abby came an hour later and took the news relatively well.
“How could you have been so careless?” she demanded in a whisper-shout so as not to alarm Maddie. “A spell at school? With a couple thousand kids around to see?”
“Well, when you put it that way it sounds dumb, but we were being careful.” I put a hand on her arm. “I’m sorry, Abby.”
She blew a harsh breath out of her lips. “It’s not you. I didn’t need any more on my plate right now. I have a ton going on at school, and well, never mind.” She patted my hand. “Justin and I will look into it.”
“What are you going to do?”
“We’ve been working on a new spell to pick up certain words out of thoughts. That way we can scan a large group. We were trying to prepare in case Maddie has any accidents.”
I nodded. “Feel free to test it out on my high school. Most of them are total jerks.”
“Yes, this is a perfect opportunity to practice so we’re ready.”
She grabbed her bag and called for Maddie then turned back and pulled me into a tight hug. “Congratulations by the way, Sandy.” She tugged on a strand of my blonde hair. “Looks like the blonde will be staying a while.”
“Yep.” I returned the hug. “Thank you, Big Sis. Don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Me neither, so let’s never find out.”
I waved to Abby and Maddie as they drove off. A weight lifted off my shoulders. Everything was going to be fine. And I finally got the leading role I deserved.
“Okay, everyone quiet down. It’s time to walk through your lines.” Mr. Goldblum shouted over the cacophony of forty teenage voices.
Abby and Justin’s spell hadn’t found anything when they screened the students. Except apparently my school boasted its very own coven of witches or girls who played with voodoo dolls and try to make love potions. Finding out Katie was a part of it gave Nora a good laugh.
Katie seemed perfectly happy with her part in the musical. Everything was right with the world. Except I was an absolute freaking mess.
“I hope you’ve memorized your lines. I anticipate very few prompts needed.” Mr. Goldblum wasn’t a mean teacher, but he definitely expected the best, which included memorizing all the lines in a week. He liked to get right to blocking and choreography without people getting tripped up on lines.
Food had been off limits for days according to my panicky stomach. I swallowed the bile clawing its way up my throat. Run, hide. I can’t do this. Katie can have the damn part. Geez, why did I want a leading role all these years?
A clean, fresh scent filled my nostrils. My eyelids grew heavy as if the scent drugged me.
“Dibs on the bathroom,” Sam said from beside me.
A smile tugged at one corner of my lips, my insides calming. “No way. I’ve been here longer.”
“Exactly, so take pity on us inexperienced actors.” He leaned in and whispered in my ear. His warm breath sent goosebumps along my skin. “How did you get Katie to back off?”
“I had a reasonable talk with her.”
He chuckled. A sound that sent tingles to some very interesting places. “Reasonable and Katie don’t go in the same sentence.”
I faced him and got caught in his eyes like a rabbit in a snare. “I threatened to tell the entire school how she’d gotten h
er parts for the last four years. She backed off.”
“Nice, way to stick up for yourself.” His shoulder touched mine. “Wish I’d fought for quarterback freshman year.”
His calm presence was a balm over my rattled nerves. I took the first deep breath I’d managed in days. “Can I ask you something?”
“Why did you transfer in your senior year?”
He shrugged. “I came to live with my mom. Dad lives back east and let’s just say he wasn’t pleased with me when I couldn’t wrestle anymore.”
“But you were hurt.” My brows pulled together.
“Not a good enough excuse for the Captain.” He gave a mock salute.
Without thinking, I put my hand on his arm. “I’m sorry.” The warmth of his skin seeped into my hand and made me crave more. I wonder if this was what Juliet felt when she first talked to Romeo.
“Danny, on stage left,” called Mr. Goldblum.
With a wink Sam pulled away. “Here goes nothing.”
I watched Sam perform, stomach tightening by the second until I got my cue. I walked on stage and the real magic happened.
Sam knew his lines without hesitation. And so did I. Although, I may have used a spell to cram the words into my brain. We sang and danced through the first act of the play. I lost my self, nearly believing I was a girl in love with this blue-eyed boy. Which was way too easy.
Clapping brought me out of my haze. I blinked, stood, and faced Mr. Goldblum.
“I knew you two had chemistry,” he called. “That’s the best first run through I’ve ever seen.”
I bit my lip and stared down at the stage, unable to meet Sam’s gaze at the mention of our chemistry.
“We’re done for tonight. Tomorrow we’ll continue to work on act one and the dance moves.”
A collective sigh rose from the cast, relieved to have pleased the director. Several people patted my back, congratulating me on the great rehearsal. Finally, I gathered the nerve to look in Sam’s eyes.
“Not a bad start I guess?” He cocked his head to the side.
“No, it was amazing,” I gushed. “You know all your lines already.”
The stage emptied around us as the rest of the cast gathered their stuff to go home. He lifted his eyebrows. “So do you.”
“Well, I’ve been studying the part since they announced the musical.”
“I think it helps to be able to relate to the character.” He leaned on the prop picnic table. “And I can definitely relate to being in love with a beautiful girl.”
My breath froze solid in my throat.
“But I can’t understand blowing her off like Danny does,” he finished.
I swallowed. “So, you wouldn’t blow off a girl you loved?”
He shook his head. “No way. I’ve always thought there is only one girl for me in this world.” His gaze met mine. “And when I find her, she’ll know it.”
“You mean your soul mate?” I breathed, leaning on the table next to him.
“Yeah,” he whispered.
My gaze dropped to his lips, and I wondered what those lips would feel like pressed against mine. Firm or soft? Warm or chilled? What would they taste like?
Nora strode onto the empty stage and stopped mid-stride. Her wide eyes on me and Sam, only inches apart.
Sam blinked and the spell broke. He turned his attention to Nora. “Track practice over?”
She recovered her surprise and nodded. “Yup, it ended half an hour ago. Just here to drive this one home.”
“Sorry I made you wait.” I jumped off the table and tried for a casual tone, but my voice came out more squeaky toy. “Let me get my backpack.”
“No problem,” Nora said, her mouth quirked in a smirk as her gaze moved from me to Sam.
Sam cleared his throat. “You know, if rehearsal is going to run late, I can always give Clara a ride home, so you don’t have to wait.”
The world shifted around me. All the words drained out of my head through my ears. My gaze darted to Nora pleading for help. I couldn’t let Sam drive me home.
“It would make it easier to get all my homework done.” Nora put a finger to her chin in thought.
My gaze narrowed. We both knew she had zero homework. She got it all done at the end of class or in study hall because she wanted time to hang out after practice.
Both their gazes settled on me and my gaping mouth. I snapped my jaw shut and forced a grin that probably made me resemble a Hyena. Unable to think of a response I busied myself with my backpack then shrugged. “I can drive myself on days we have rehearsal.”
“I wouldn’t mind giving you a ride,” Sam said, approaching me.
Over his shoulder Nora waved her arms and mouthed, say yes!
I stood and found my voice. “Don’t worry about it. I have a car.” I turned to Nora who was now glaring at me. “Ready to go?”
“See you tomorrow, Sam,” I called over my shoulder.
As soon as we were out of earshot Nora laid into me. “What the hell? I set it up perfectly for you.”
I sighed and shook my head. “Do you know what would happen if I let a guy give me a ride home?”
“Geez, I’m talking about him giving you a ride in the car, not you riding him.”
I stopped dead in my tracks in the middle of the hall and stared. “What?”
She threw her arms out to the sides. “Come on, you really want to get married without ever even kissing a guy?”
Lifting my chin in the air, I marched past her. “For your information, I’m going to have to kiss him for the play.”
“I’m talking about a genuine kiss, not some stage act.” She caught my arm and lowered her voice. “You like him. Don’t let some stupid ancient witch tradition ruin the time you have.”
“It’s not a stupid tradition. It’s necessary to produce children.” I spouted the propaganda we’d been force-fed since we were old enough to talk.
If she rolled her eyes any harder, she’d probably see her gray matter. “Would you just listen for one second? I’ve heard some rumors about people running away and getting out of their betrothal.”
I stared as if she’d grown horns. “What?”
Glancing around she motioned me out the door and didn’t talk again until we were safely locked in her Jeep.
“Spill,” I demanded.
“It’s nothing I can confirm but rumor has it at least three witches have run away with ungifted before their betrothal. As far as I’ve heard only one of them got away.”
“And what happened to the others?”
She shrugged. “They got dragged back to marry their intended. I mean, what is there to lose if you have a chance at freedom?”
I stared out the front window as the rules of the world I’d known shifted and spun. It was as if gravity suddenly stopped or changed direction. “But you’d never be able to see your family again.”
“Yeah, that part would suck but it’s better than having to marry some gross old guys.”
I narrowed my gaze her way. Neither of us had met our intended yet. It typically happened after graduation, although the council moved some up to the younger witch being sixteen, depending on the age difference. But I did know neither of our intended were old men. “Your intended is twenty-three and mine is twenty-two. Hardly old men.”
She wrinkled her nose and started the car. “Old enough.”
We sat in silence on the drive to my house. I stepped out onto the driveway and leaned back into the car. “Just promise me if you’re going to disappear, you say bye first.”
“Are you kidding? I wouldn’t leave you. That’s why I brought it up. We can both get out of here.”
I shook my head and closed the door.
Chapter 5
Over the next few weeks Nora’s words bounced around my head like rubber balls shot out of a cannon. I’d never considered a possible life without being told who to marry. I’d never let myself fall in love.
Well, maybe let myse
lf wasn’t the right term. My feelings for Sam grew every time I saw him. No matter what my brain told me to feel or not feel, my heart failed to get the memo. Falling in love wasn’t a choice.
“We’ve come a long way in a short time, and we have a long way to go,” Mr. Goldblum said as we started rehearsal. “Today we move into act three. We’ll be going through the scenes in order and if we have time, hopefully get to our big ending.”
The kiss. I’d known this was coming. But my stomach twisted into a Celtic knot of organs that sent me flying for the bathroom. Luckily, I wasn’t on stage until halfway through the first scene.
A soft knock sounded at the door followed by Sam’s voice. “Hey, you okay in there?”
“Yeah,” I called. “I’ll be right out.”
I rinsed my mouth and patted my sweating brow. Great way to make this even worse. Sam will love kissing a puke-breath sweaty girl.
Berating myself for not keeping gum in my bag, I remembered it was part of the scene so there would be bubblegum for props. Thank God.
I let a calm mask fall over my face and opened the door. Sam leaned against the wall. The stage sat quiet, the other cast members stood in groups and chatted.
“I told Mr. Goldblum you needed a minute, so he told everyone to take five.” He held out his hand. “Want a drink?”
He offered a cold can of Mountain Dew. I took it and gratefully downed a swig to get the acid taste from my mouth. The syrupy-sweet drink settled my stomach and helped with my trembling muscles.
As I handed the can to Sam, a thought wiggled in the back of my brain but wouldn’t surface. No time to dwell on it, I walked to the stage to apologize to the director. He nodded and called the cast back to attention.
We ran through act three. With each passing scene we approached the moment. I stumbled over one of my lines then jerked my focus back to the present. One more scene before the big finale—which closed with Sam and me kissing.
The scene ended, and the cast scrambled to find their spots for the finale scene while I waited off stage, my breath coming in ragged gasps. My heart tapped out a River Dance like rhythm in my chest. It’s okay. You’re Sandy, be the character. I sucked in a breath and blew it out slowly.